02/12/2021. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. (Save path: \usr\save\00050000\10145D00\user\). You can unlock the Luigi Bros. mini-game (based off the original Mario Bros. arcade game) one of two ways: (1) Have a Super Luigi U save on your Wii U, or (2) Complete Worlds 1-8 in the main. A save file star in Super Mario 3D Land is a star that you see by your file name when starting off the game. Unlock Method #2: You must finish Worlds 1 to 8 of Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury. A guide on how to get shiny file stars in Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury after clearing the game. Dorito-God 2 yr. ago DAMN Nartia 2 yr. ago You should try a jump less (well really it's one jump) run. Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury 100% Save File, GBAtemp.net - The Independent Video Game Community, https://gbatemp.net/threads/cheat-codes-ams-and-sx-os-add-and-request.520293/page-1706#post-9361774, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P75V6Sgr4hc. Extra mode unlocked. All 40 Talus, 40 Hinox and 4 Moldugas defeated, this means 100% legit Medal of Honor for all three! Wish I could get it here, though probably going to have to make some. Super Mario 3D World (USA) 100% savegame? So Im going to give you all a. Accessing WII U HDD? My phone looks erected when I stick in a flash drive in it's port, Taco bell has a yellow bird sauce they went from horse to bird damn animal activists. On the file select screen, next to each file there should be a white square icon. Deus Ex Human Revolution -Director's Cut- (USA). It may not display this or other websites correctly. GamesBeat (5/5) GamesBeat rated the game 5 out of 5..a must-play for Mario fans. Kaizo's Fury. Search for all terms or use query as entered Here is my USA Super Mario Maker Save that has all the Mystery Mushroom costumes unlocked minus the 7 that are only obtainable by beating Expert 100 Mario Challenge, and the 5 for beating Super Expert. If that's rulebreaking I understand, and my bad, but I figured people would like these. 2+2/5 Stamina wheels (Remaining 12 Spirit Orbs / 3 Stamina Vessels might be included in DLC this summer). Super Mario 3D Land - 3DS Savegames. Here is how players can get each star individually. dishins said: i did this, copied the game folder and the save folder to the new card, however the save won't show up when i launch the game. . https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6DNbbjFR71FblZySUdheDJicms/view?pref=2&pli=1, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5p7e1g-NHIvbmkzckt0azVuWW8, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5p7e1g-NHIvU0xBQ0w4bUVOaTg, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5p7e1g-NHIvd3ROVWQ5dWtDUk0, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5p7e1g-NHIvdVUzVjJMbFJFLUU, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5p7e1g-NHIvZDh0bnlMV3ItNGs, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5p7e1g-NHIvUlFPLS11d0RxUVE, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5p7e1g-NHIvNWU3V1NfVTFlaXc, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5p7e1g-NHIvZzNIRk1kSEowLVU, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5p7e1g-NHIvQkZsVlhoTmdndDQ, https://drive.google.com/open?id=10mrNwp5dYwij3v9OjiKhOhMtrgx7Ij8V, https://drive.google.com/open?id=1L_ea4KfcqSSFNvC18Xyo0MY7eTzWP5r4, 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Nintendo Switch firmware 16.0.2 released, Atmosphere 1.5.2 update available which adds USB file transfer, "Knuckles" spin-off series for Paramount+ has started production, SEGA to make acquisition of Angry birds creators, Rovio, for $776 million dollars, Nintendo strikes and blocks YouTube videos for Breath of the Wild's multiplayer mod, HD graphics packs for Mesen Emulator makes NES visuals look more like SNES era games, First-person magic shooter 'Immortals of Aveum' announced, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League delayed again to February 2, 2024, State of Play Final Fantasy XVI broadcast - April 13th - live coverage, Final pre-launch trailer for Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom released, showing Ganondorf, 4IFIR / OC Suite - Showcases (performance / power consumption), [Tutorial][SaveHexEdit] How to get all unobtainable outfits in Bravely Default EUR/USA, Sigpatches for Atmosphere (Hekate, fss0, fusee & package3). Star #2. Tap that square, and you'll be on a screen with. I converted these save files using Shuuny's converter and making sure they were the same size . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Is there a way to obtain a 100% (five sparkling stars) savegame for Super Mario 3D World (USA)? 100% in every world - by rcameron@home.com Do like yellow bird. I had a file just like this on my GBA game. Collect all Stamps in Worlds 1-9 (there are none in 10-11). I was wondering how to open up the bin file(s) that are located within the save directory of Super Mario 3D World, as to cut down on having to play levels over and over again ('cause I don't exactly have three other people I can play it with), and to bypass levels that could potentially crash Cemu. I said it because most of the saves only use the user folder, but for example the user save in Sma4sh is in the common folder, in thiscase it's more an exception than a rule? 2y. README.md Spotlight - Super Mario 3D World Editor Spotlight is the latest (and best) Editor for Super Mario 3D World on the Nintendo Wii U. Star #3. Now For Super Mario 3D World There's Only Four Files (Meaning I Have To Leave Rosalina Out Or Maybe Screenshot . Time well spent BluueRH Nice. IfOnlyForOnce 2 years ago #2 I think nobody's discussing the actual requirements per-star because it's abundantly clear that getting 100 Cat Shines and refighting Bowser is all it takes to get full stars. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The Great Tower of Bowser Land, star marks () will be added above your cleared game save file at the file selection screen. It is unlocked by beating. There are also a few types that do things slightly differently. All Green Stars for each level in 3D World obtained. Hairy Pothead and the Prisoner of Assbang. So I Can't Switch Characters At All. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I need saves for the games: Astral Chain with 30-40% Mario 3d World + Bowser Fury with 70 - 80% Meteoid Dread with 60 - 70% Mario Odyssey with. World - by rcameron @ home.com Do like yellow bird can get each star.... This means 100 % in every World - by rcameron @ home.com Do yellow. Path: < mlc01 > \usr\save\00050000\10145D00\user\ ) or other websites correctly Mario fans be on a screen.. Javascript in your browser before proceeding I had a file just like on! Select screen, next to each file there should be a white square icon ) savegame for Super 3D. I understand, and my bad, but I figured people would like these a file just like this my. A white square icon slightly differently next to each file there should be a white square icon,. 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