There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;. Only professing Christians, Organization: Congregational (Local churches are self-governing. Roman Catholic vs Protestant: Whats the Difference? Icons are rare in Protestantism. Orthodoxy's falling share of the global Christian . Protestant traditions may be amillennial, premillennial, or postmillennial. Protestant churches agree with the doctrines articulated in the first seven councils of the 4th to 8th centuries. Pentecostalism also has many sub-denominations, including Classical Pentecostalism, the Assemblies of God, the Foursquare Church, Holiness Pentecostals, and the Apostolic Church. 1. Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, etc.). Christianity Fast Facts. This handy list will help you keep track of and compare some differences in worship, rituals, and beliefs of the largest groups of the Christian Church.


Anglican/ Episcopalian


Assembly of God


