For example, a General increases Loyalty by 2, so the General provides a constant +2 to the kingdoms Loyalty (not a stacking +2 increase every turn), which goes away if she dies or resigns. Also, at the request of a few people, I'm going to start including a workbook that is compatible with Google Docs/Drive. Economy +1, Loyalty +2; :). I'm going to spend a few days having a play around with them, and if you'd like I can share my thoughts? The hex measurement is an abstraction; the hexes are easy to quantify and allow the GM to categorize a large area as one terrain type without having to worry about precise borders of forests and other terrain features. of In Step 4, Rob, the Treasurer, rolls the Economy check to collect taxes. Phase 3Income: Add to your Treasury by collecting taxes and converting gp into BP, or withdraw BP from your kingdom for your personal use. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Campaign. When I tested it on Google Docs, it seemed to be painfully slow in recalculating the sheet and I didn't really give it a thorough test to see if it was working at all or what was missing/broken. If a benefit mentions a particular phase in kingdom building, that benefit applies every turn during that phase. The Royal Enforcer may grant civilians the authority to kill in the name of the law. If you want to designate a different settlement as the capital, you may do so in Step 7 of the Edict Phase. Other events may also happen during this phase, such as independence or unification. I will be sure to post any feedback I get from my group after we use this one for a few sessions. (See Magic Items in Settlements for more information on this topic.). The kingdom gains no benefits from the Holiday edict. I haven't had a chance to look over Ultimate Rulership, yet, but I'm definitely going to have to "finish" the Ultimate Campaign material before I can see myself getting started on incorporating the Ultimate Rulership material. I didn't see one on here so I took the time to make it for my home game. Elevator. During the second month you can found Sul Adara, and begin construction of 1 building in it. Unrest: Your kingdoms Unrest indicates how rebellious your citizens are. | Starjammer SRD If your kingdoms Size is 26100, choose a second kingdom attribute and add your Charisma modifier to it as well. It is huge and contains over 400 changes! I'm sorry to anyone who'd prefer a different set of priorities. Looks great. At the end of this phase, the kingdom has Economy 55, Loyalty 42, Stability 55, Unrest 4, Consumption 4, and Treasury 5 BP. Step 2Make Deposits to the Treasury: You can add funds to a kingdoms Treasury by donating your personal wealth to the kingdomcoins, gems, jewelry, weapons, armor, magic items, and other valuables you find while adventuring, as long as they are individually worth 4,000 gp or less. This sheet allows us to run a turn in about 5-10 minutes (1 city with a <10 size kingdom). Will test it more thoroughly with a trial game tomorrow! Check out our other SRD sites! | Into The Unknown A settlement is created with one district, covering a 1 mile square. | d20HeroSRD Edicts are the official pronouncements by your government about how you are running the kingdom that turn. Still aplauding the awesomeness though! You must succeed at a Stability check to reclaim each of your former settlements in the secondary territory. It looks like the consumption is set to the number of city tabs you have in the document, Add the Unrest from Step 3 to the Unrest for the daughter kingdoms. Step 4: Each daughter kingdom should follow the steps for founding a kingdom. The key parts of the kingdom-building rules that you'll be referencing are as follows: Explanation of the kingdom terminology used throughout this chapter. d20PFSRD on Kingdom Building:. Kingdoms have attributes that describe and define them. A character can only fill one leadership role at a time. You may sell one item per settlement district per turn. If the PCs are interested in ruling only a single town or castle and the small region around it, kingdom building can focus primarily on the settlement and the PCs personal demesne. Pathfinders! Let me know if you find any weirdness there and I'll try to look into it. Running a kingdom is more fun if all the players are involved and each is responsible for making some of the kingdom checks. | 13th Age SRD If your kingdom is reduced to 0 hexeswhether through Unrest, a natural disaster, an attack by another kingdom, or other circumstancesyou are at risk of losing the kingdom. I was hoping I had caught and corrected them all but it was very late last night when I finished. I haven't purchased it, yet, and I'd like to incorporate it in the spreadsheet eventually if it's Open Content. Because the Heir carries the potential of being the next Ruler, the Heirs role is similar to the Consort in that the Heir may act on behalf of the Ruler. I plan to do the following as I find time to work on updating the sheet further. You will have a WHOLE SECTION of the house to yourself. Conquest: The sponsors soldiers clashed with the army of an existing kingdom and the kingdoms old leaders have fled, surrendered, or been killed. I Really would like to see the final version. It weirds me out to hit delete on things (personal preference) My group is about to start book two of Kingmaker so, in my rush, I've had to ignore anything related to mass combat for now (as such, Defense bonuses may not be 100% accurate everwhere, although Settlements should be okay), settlements do not currently list slots for magic items, I've stripped out some of the special features (like Zoetrope's Event/Weather generators), and many of the "Optional" rules from Ultimate Campaign have yet to be implemented. At our centers, kids learn to code while building their own video games. During the Upkeep Phase, Unrest increases by 1. Splitting a country because of invasion, revolution, or a similar conflict usually involves unique circumstances and is beyond the scope of these rules; the GM should use the above steps as guidelines for when the kingdom leaders reach an agreement with others about how to split the kingdom. Loyalty: Loyalty refers to the sense of goodwill among your people, their ability to live peaceably together even in times of crisis, and to fight for one another when needed. After your comment, I decided to go back to the way it was working on the version 3.0 sheets where it was simply user editable rather than trying to calculate different things. I think I found an error: it appears that the city building: watchtower is not contributing to the overall city defense stat. When it's finished you should be able to walk through a kingdom turn with this sheet in a couple of minutes and automatically keep track of the results of that turn. The General is responsible for looking after the needs of the military and directing the kingdoms armies in times of war. I've finished the next update I had in mind. Step 4Collect Taxes: Attempt an Economy check, divide the result by 3 (round down), and add a number of BP to your Treasury equal to the result. At first glance, it looks like it should be working okay except that some cells have become unmerged and the worksheet protection has been removed. If independence occurs as a result of creating a secondary territory by losing control of a connecting hex (see Losing Hexes), the additional Unrest penalty from having a kingdom leader act as the Ruler ends. r/Pathfinder_RPG Divide the ACR 3 by 2 to get the base Consumption before adjustments (3 divided by 2 is 1 when rounded down). :). Vacancy Penalty: This line explains the penalty to your kingdom if no character fills this role, or if the leader fails to spend the necessary time fulfilling his responsibilities. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You initially have a +5 bonus on these checks because the cities want to return to your kingdom, but this bonus decreases by 1 (to a minimum bonus of +0) for each subsequent turn since you lost control of the secondary territory. Treat this act as a Diplomatic edict to form an alliance, but the sponsors initial attitude toward your kingdom is 2 steps worse. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with Apple products or what tools iPads would use to view/edit spreadsheets. Likewise, the rules assume that the leaders are working together, not competing with each other or working at odds. | Everyday Heroes SRD I was similarly terrified that I'd have to do everything by hand. In Step 7, the leaders issue a Holiday edict of one national holiday (Loyalty +1, Consumption +1) and set the Promotion edict level to none (Stability 1, Consumption +0). I think an OpenOffice/LibreOffice version should be a pretty easy conversion to do. Size: This is how many hexes the kingdom claims. If a vacant role lists an increase to Unrest, however, that increase does not go away when the role is filled. That being said, there are some . During the Upkeep Phase, you may decrease Unrest by 1 (this is not affected by having the Leadership feat); if you do so, you must succeed at a Loyalty check or Loyalty decreases by 1. I've uploaded it for you here if you don't want to hunt for it. At the end of this phase, the kingdom has Economy 52, Loyalty 45, Stability 56, Unrest 4, Consumption 5, and Treasury 7 BP. These rules assume that all of the kingdoms leaders are focused on making the kingdom prosperous and stable, rather than oppressing the citizens and stealing from the treasury. Modifiers: Corruption +1, Crime 1, Law +1, Society 1. If the leaders in each kingdom agree to the union, the process is relatively smooth. Control DC: Some kingdom actions require a check (1d20 + modifiers) to succeedthis is known as a control check. IOW, fire away with the spreadsheet and the rules from Ultimate Rulership. | Fudge SRD Thank you Mr. Brad Turner! Theocracy: The kingdom is ruled by the leader of its most popular religion, and the ideas and members of that religion often enjoy favored status in government and the kingdom. Free Pathfinder Gaming Materials. After all, the Devs have consistantly said that population is not binding, Thanks for being awesome, Brad! Anyways, from what I have screwed with, I noticed your control DC seems to be off. Also, I realize it is missing in UC (or at least from the prd's UC entries), but the "Brothel" building is referenced a number of times (in the discounted entry for multiple buildings): Brothel (4 BP; must be adjacent to 1 house): A place to a new kingdoms Size is 1. When it's finished you should be able to walk through a kingdom turn with this sheet in a couple of minutes and automatically keep track of the results of that turn. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The additional Consumption cost for the Ranged Weapons Resource is +1. Warm Up a Room With the Look, Feel and Memories of Knitting. The Edict phase is when you make proclamations on expansion, improvements, taxation, holidays, and so on. The Spymaster always has a finger on the pulse of the kingdoms underbelly, and uses acquired information to protect the interests of the kingdom at home and elsewhere through a network of spies and informants. Damn Red - I wish I'd have thought of that 1st! Your kingdoms initial Economy is 0 plus your kingdoms alignment and leadership modifiers. Also, to fix the error Netarious pointed out, I've simply removed the effects of Food Shortages and Food Surpluses on consumption for now and simplified the Consumption calculation. If at least one kingdom leader is in the secondary territory when the split occurs, you retain control of the secondary territory, but kingdom checks regarding its hexes treat Unrest as 1 higher, increasing by 1 each turn after the split. (The download links for the 4.2 files have been updated with the aforementioned quick fixes. The Kingdom Excel Sheet was designed to support players and GM while playing the Kingmaker campaing and raising an empire, which they have to manage, expand and defend. I didn't have a copy at the time so I thought that surely the changes wouldn't be that major and I'd just use the old rules with BotRN and some house rules. (Size/lots, preq, kingdom bonus, settlement bonus, costs, etc.). If not, I will gift you a copy if you are willing to add the rules to the spreadsheet. I'm already using these for my KM Campaign =), PD: Sawmill/w resource is incorrectly listing "Stability +1, Income +1" while it should be "Stability +2, Income +2" (although bonuses are correctly calculated, only the description is incorrect), Thank you and you're welcome! Thanks for the suggestion, Niilo! I don't have Excel at home but I should be able to fix any problems I find when converting. When the kingdom building rules were posted to, I couldn't help myself and had to look at them to see how they addressed the few problems many people were having with things like deposits/withdrawals and magic items. Disclaimer: This spreadsheet keeps track of up to 10 cities / districts and connects them all to the main kingdom sheet, but doesn't keep track of BP purchases (you'll have to do that on your own). I'd like to address all the questions and comments that I have yet to respond to. The GM may influence any of these steps as appropriate to the situation, such as by giving one kingdom an Economy penalty and a Loyalty bonus, or dividing the Unrest in Step 4 unequally between the kingdoms. 2) From the overworld map,. Modifiers: Corruption 1, Law +1, Lore +1, Society 1. Back to Character Sheets Local Hosting of the File:PZO1125-KingdomSheets.pdf PDF File Currently your browser does not use a PDF plugin. like so many of the "pre-Pathfinder" edition books. Thanks, FunnyMan21! A kingdom should have a capital citythe seat of your power. Success means Unrest increases by 1; failure means Unrest increases by 1d6. The General is the highest-ranking member of the kingdoms military. Step 4Modify Unrest: Unrest increases by 1 for each kingdom attribute (Economy, Loyalty, or Stability) that is a negative number. Time spent ruling cannot be used for adventuring, crafting magic items, or completing other downtime activities that require your full attention and participation. Both spellings are used in what I read. Also Moral is set by default on "0", is there a way to modify it? I hope to get the Event Generator added back in at some point, so thanks for "voting"; I'll bump it up on my list of priorities :). Each hex is 12 miles from corner to corner, representing an area of just less than 95 square miles.The hex measurement is an abstraction; the hexes are easy to quantify and allow the GM to categorize a large area as one terrain type without having to worry about precise borders of . Whenever you act as the Ruler for the turn, you must succeed at a Loyalty check during the kingdoms Upkeep Phase or Unrest increases by 1. Step 6Create Army Units: You may create, expand, equip, or repair army units (see Mass Combat). Making a completely separate sheet with all this info as a simple reference tool could be useful, though, so I'm going to add it to my to do list. These things are made at your command, but they are not yours. Before you can claim it, the hex must first be explored, then cleared of monsters and dangerous hazards (see Steps 2 and 3 of Founding a Settlement for more details). I'll probably post those here at some point if I can make them a little less ugly. Step 1Determine Kingdom Stability: Attempt a Stability check. Pathfinder Reference Document) as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). The Consort is usually the spouse of the Ruler, and spends time attending court, speaking with and advising nobles, touring the kingdom to lift the spirits of the people, and so on. Example: Jessica and the other leaders need to keep BP in the kingdom for future plans, so they skip Step 1 of the Income phase. After I posted, I went back in and looked for a stand-in bldg type and suspected that the Dance Hall was a reskinned Brothel. If your kingdom controls 0 hexes, skip the Upkeep Phase and proceed to the Edict Phase. 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